Welcome Author Martha Freeman – Giveaway Alert

We are lucky today, as Martha Freeman takes a break from her very busy writing schedule to give us some insights into her books and inspiration. She is the author of many wonderful books for children of all ages, including BORN CURIOUS: 20 GIRLS WHO GREW UP TO BE AWESOME SCIENTISTS which was the last in person book launch before everything shutdown in March, 2020. Her books, GOLDILOCKS GO HOME and its follow up, LITTLE RED HOODIE, are both funny and delightful just like Martha herself. Martha is generously giving one lucky winner a copy of her latests masterpiece, NOAH McNICHOL AND THE BACKSTAGE GHOST. Make sure to comment on this post to enter the raffle.

What were you like at the age of your target audience?

Main character Noah is 11 and in sixth grade. At that age, I was too cool for school and eager to grow up. I was also curious about countercultural things (this was in the late 1960s) such as happenings (which would later be known as raves) and the whole hippie lifestyle. I was anti-war and pro-tie dye. It was in sixth grade that I wrote my first stories as well. I remember one took place during a shipboard battle, and when the mast fell the captain shouted a profanity! What did I know about shipboard battles? Absolutely nothing. I didn’t know much about profanity either. My father occasionally said “damn,” and I expected lightning bolts from heaven. 

Martha’s daughter Sylvie at age 12 with cake baked by Martha

What inspires you?

It’s tempting to say that travel inspires me because, like so many people, I miss it so! I’ve been around the world twice. Both times it was on-the-cheap and I wouldn’t trade any of those nights spent on hard beds (or floors or the ground), but I’m not sure I’m truly up for more of those. Reading also inspires me, and so do the students I tutor at CU. I’m glad to say that many of them seem to have the grit and smarts that will be needed to save the world… or at least the species. 

What’s one thing you hope your readers take away from your books?

One of my books is called BORN CURIOUS: 20 GIRLS WHO GREW UP TO BE AWESOME SCIENTISTS and that reminds me that inspiring curiosity is something I hope my books – fiction or nonfiction – do for readers. With Noah, it would be great to think that a reader is inspired to learn more about Shakespeare or theatre in general. I would say that tolerance is another quality I value – and so do the so-called good characters, maybe call them the thoughtful characters, in my books. So I hope that the stories I write encourage kids to broaden their perspectives about their friends, their neighbors, their communities. 

What can we look forward to next?

I’m working on a mystery set in Boulder, my first set in Colorado. If all goes as planned (ha!), it will be published by Simon & Schuster in 2023. Life-wise, I’m expecting a second granddaughter this summer and, like everyone, wondering what post-pandemic life will be like. 

To connect with Martha and learn more about her books:

Website www.marthafreeman.com 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/marthafreemanauthor Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mafreeman225

 Register for Boulder Book Store’s event : Children’s Author Martha Freeman, in Conversation with Editor Sylvie Frank Tickets, Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 5:00 PM | Martha Freeman will speak about her books “Little Red Hoodie” & “Noah McNichol and the Backstage Ghost,” in conversation with Sylvie Frank.www.eventbrite.com

Published by authorlaurablog

I'm a reading specialist from Chicago, now living in the beauty of the Roosevelt National Forest in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. My first book "Aliana Reaches for the Moon" features a creative and curious girl who loves science, her little brother, and her very patient parents. I'm currently writing a MG novel and several picture books with STEM elements and dogs.

10 thoughts on “Welcome Author Martha Freeman – Giveaway Alert

    1. Ellen, as always thank you for reading. Martha’s book GOLDILOCKS GO HOME, simultaneously inspired me with its cleverness and feel like I could never write anything this funny. I haven’t read the new one yet but I can’t wait!


  1. I have been so inspired this year by women in STEM careers and can’t wait to read your books. I’m headed to my library’s site now to see if any can be placed on hold to study for mentor text myself. Thank you for the interview!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I, too, have traveled around the world on the cheap. It’s been far too long since we gone for more than a walk outside the house!!!

    Anyway, I was born curious and became an engineer. Didn’t last. Too curious, so I became a writer, LOL. This looks like a great book!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Since I didn’t travel around the world when I might have done it on-the-cheap, at this point if I do travel I’d like to do so in luxury!
      Born Curious is amazing – the giveaway is for NOAH McNICHOL. Good luck in the giveaway!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post – love reading about writers who span writing categories. LOL’d about the profanity in her 6th grade writing. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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