Welcome Author Cathy Stefanec Ogren – Giveaway Alert

Hello readers! It’s been a while since I had an author interview or a giveaway, but I’m welcoming someone wonderful here today and I have two coming in July so here we go! I’m so happy to share a not yet released picture book, THE LITTLE RED CHAIR by author Cathy Stefanec Ogren and illustrated by Alexandra Thompson. I was fortunate to receive an advance reader copy of this delightful book and I asked Cathy if she wanted to come on the blog. I highly recommend you preorder it now.

Cathy is generously offering only lucky winner (US only) a copy of THE LITTLE RED CHAIR. To enter the giveaway, comment on this post. It would also be appreciated if you shared it on your social media and tag us.

What were you like at the age of your target audience?

Until I was seven, we lived in a house across the street from the former Washington Park Zoo in Milwaukee, WI. My summer days were filled with trips to the library, the zoo, and the playground. But the best part of summer was playing with the kids in our neighborhood. The girls dressed up as princesses and had tea parties. As cowgirls, we chased the outlaws (boys) out of town. And if we had a couple of pennies, we walked to the drugstore down the street to buy penny candy. At night, the neighborhood kids got together to play a ghostly game of hide-and-seek until our parents called us inside. Winter snow brought us outside in snowsuits to make snowmen and sled down the hill in  “The Hollow” part of Washington Park. Those years were a carefree time that have a special place in my heart. 

What inspires you?

Music! All types of music fill our house. Like a great picture book, music has rhythm, a beat, and interesting compositions and sounds. Music makes me tap my feet, move to the groove, and dance. I’ve been told I can’t carry a tune, but I don’t care who hears me when a favorite song happens to be playing. I sing – LOUD! Music sparks my imagination and evokes emotions. Two of my all-time favorite songs are “To Dream the Impossible Dream” from Man of La Mancha and “This Is Me” from The Greatest Showman. The music and lyrics lift me up. 

What’s the one thing you hope your readers take away from your book?

If you’ve ever seen a child hug a favorite stuffed animal at bedtime, you know that stuffie is loved. It’s something that comforts and provides a feeling of security. My daughter still has her well-hugged cloth baby doll she calls Jenny. No matter how old she is, that doll will always be a memorable part of her youth. When readers turn each page of THE LITTLE RED CHAIR and see Alexandra Thompson’s beautiful illustrations, I hope an emotional attachment will grow, and by the end of the story, the reader will love the little red chair as much as the main character does. Squeakity-squee! Like a favorite stuffed animal, cloth baby doll, blanket, pillow, or whatever, I hope readers appreciate the small things that make them happy. 

This may explain why I loved THE LITTLE RED CHAIR so much. I relate it back to beloved stuffies from my own children. It’s a universal connection. – LJR

What’s next for you?

I have a manuscript that is close to my heart out on submission. It’s a revise and resubmit that an editor requested. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that she sees great potential in the new version. While I wait, I keep writing, revising, and spending time with my four grandchildren. They’re a wild and crazy bunch that keep me young at heart! 

Readers can learn more about Cathy’s books and find her on social media:  X/Twitter  Facebook  Instagram  Bluesky Social   Website

Thank you, Laura, for featuring me and my new book on your blogspot. It was a pleasure.

Thank you, Cathy! I’m happy to learn more about you and share your upcoming book THE LITTLE RED CHAIR, coming from Sleeping Bear Press on 8/1/2024 with my readers!

Published by authorlaurablog

I'm a reading specialist from Chicago, now living in the beauty of the Roosevelt National Forest in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. My first book "Aliana Reaches for the Moon" features a creative and curious girl who loves science, her little brother, and her very patient parents. I'm currently writing a MG novel and several picture books with STEM elements and dogs.

6 thoughts on “Welcome Author Cathy Stefanec Ogren – Giveaway Alert

  1. I love the idea behind this book. I still have my favorite bean-stuffed frog from my childhood that brings back fond memories of the wonderful great aunt that gave it to me. Thank you for the interview and chance to win a copy of this beautiful book. I shared on tumblr.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading and sharing Danielle. I really enjoyed this book. It’s got a beautiful story arc and an intergenerational thread that I appreciate too. Good luck in the giveaway.


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